First time BBC 1994

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My first time ever with a legendary bbc. I was thirty-five and he was twenty-six and verrry well equipped for the task at hand. Only been with one other bbc since then and I know plenty of bwc that would put him to shame. This young man had been practicing on pleasing a lady instead of wham bam I'm done ma'am.
Posted in: Interracial Tags: mature, vintage, bbc, interracial
Comments (6)
LOVE this , great video! like interracial, love to see any more you might have .
A damn LUCKY BBC to be fucking this good looking sexy hot white lady !!
That is one hot video...Would have been super erotic with sound or better yet being there and watching.
Great fuck
he is in that sweet pussy deep
hot hook up..great opportunity to get in your well seasoned hole..enjoyed your gorgeous gripping gash putting a choke hold on that bone