His cock &Her cock

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Part 1 of Busty38DD /My sexy busty curvaceous hotwife has an amazing body and one of my favourite sights is seeing her curvy hot arse bending over infront of me and inviting me too come behind her and spank her arse hard before she's begging me for my cock fuckin her doggystyle as she luvs feeling my cock deep inside her and luvs her arse cheeks being slammed against. I can't get enough of pounding into her hot arse from behind untill im shooting my cum deep inside her. But I'm not the only one who enjoys fuckin her in this position. My missus and her best friend are both mature bi-sexual busty blondes and her bestie recently bought a strap-on from adult store who's main warehouse is minutes from her house .And after the girls had been out drinking allday when they got back too her place very drunk & in a horny mood her bestie and my missus have got naughty together ending up naked and enjoying girl on girl sex together which I'm ok with because we asked her best friend one hot summer night if she minded us having sex infront of her or would she fancy joining us for a 3some sex session. And she watched us for a while before she started stripping off her clothes touching herself watching us having sex infront of her. Before my missus invited her over saying too her come and have a suck on his big hard cock and the pair of them took turns suckin my cock and my missus told her wait untill he's fuckin you with it your gonna fuckin luv it.Well last Saturday it was girls day out the pair of them got drunk and back at her place she put the strap-on first and fucked my missus before swapping places .This Saturday afternoon i was sitting next too her friend when my missus had gone too the toilet and i whispered in her ear did you enjoy fuckin my missus with your strap on cock last Saturday then .You must of really been fuckin each other hand because she got bruises on her arse cheeks from the fuckin you gave her. Yeah she told me lastnite what you both tried out on Saturday week on each other .And she whispered back in my ear before my partner returned too the table it felt good but nothing feels as good as when your big cock is fuckin me from behind and im licking her juicy pussy infront of me as your banging into me .And she said I was a single woman for a long time untill you two turned me into a dirty bitch and I'm fuckin luvin it. And i can't wait untill your fuckin me again
Posted in: Babes Tags: anal, arse, cock
Comments (14)
Beautyful butt
Very good story, indeed..
A very attractive sexy arse
Gorgeous Ass & Pussy
verynice wife and friend
Wow very very beautiful anus and very nice pussy your slut woman MMM
Great story.
Thank you for sharing.
Love her body!
Mmmm, yes please, can I cum n play too please xxx
I SO want to fuck that ass!!
hot vision
Missed u...
Would love to see them both go at it