Could you swallow him all

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My missus girlfriend was not convinced that I had a decent sized cock and that it was very dark in colour due to my ancestry and I told her that if she wanted I'd prove it too her and my girlfriend said in conversation between them that I had a luvly big juicy hard cock. And she likes a BBC so I told her that she wouldn't be disappointed with the size of mine and would prove it if didn't believe me. That was a year ago and just recently she visited our place and stayed the night and we all drinking and getting horny talking about all of our sex lifes and the size of cocks was mentioned again and I told her that mine was nearly 8 inches hard and nearly black and new that she luvs black cock. A few hours later very drunk my missus said show her your cock she don't believe me that you have a nice cock and that when she sees it your point will be proved. So my missus put her hand down my jogging bottoms and pulled my cock out and began stroking it hard infront of her untill I was rock hard being wanked off infront of her girlfriend who I could see enjoying watching my missus masturbating my cock and talking about it too her before she said too her well hes hard now and pulled out a ruler and held it against my cock and told her get a closer look at his length and then she said I told you its the kind of size your used too having and it tastes fantastic aswell why don't you have a taste of his cock I don't mind sharing it with my girlfriends if they like joining in and having fun with us .And I will allways remember how she was really suckin my whole cock into her mouth as my partner was encouraging her too finish me off saying you can have his first load as your our guest .And I absolutely exploded in her mouth the hardest I've ever cum with another woman other than my missus who is the best ever. Would any other woman like too suck on my cock and taste my cock cream.
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: cock, oral, sex
Comments (8)
big cock
such a beautiful cock
I would like to try! Only 1 way to find out!! mmmmmm
Hot fun !
I want you to do that to MY cock!!
Gorgeous and super fun looking.
Cheers, BEAN
I could swallow two of those at the same time easily