my wife takes viagra

she woked up one springtime as the others in the last sexless life ; (15 long years with no- thing),
now she's horny from dusk till down, she confessed she's taking viagra x women, to get a juicy & longduring wet pussielips as she's 30 or so. SO I get to eat 100mg a day, too!
Otherwhile she'll fuck all the street things in condition to breath! My neighbour's bassetthound included.
... may be she planned to see my last waltz and my trespassing is already organized!
5000dolllars to whom take her away from me, my town, land and continent- at least, please,
wish me lots luck. m8s &chicks!
Posted in: Wifelovers Tags: viagra, x, ladies, vagina, with, hair, pussie
Comments (5)
Damn she's hot and has a beautiful bush!
sharing is caring ....;-)
LOL! $5,000 to take her away from you?! LOL. I understand the feeling, I've had it before and always regretted it later. I'd take you up on your kind offer -- because she's a BABE -- but I don't think I'm far enough away. Good luck to you. And tell her Jazbo sez she's sexy.

Hairy pussy
She looks great you the 1 who needs some help. U. Babbling fool