Xmas gift! 1 of 10

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If I had any money, you would be the first one to get it.


My "girlfriend" is on her way over here right now. I know she is looking for money. I've done everything. Got her out of jail. Let her be under house arrest free at my place, gave her money when I had any (rarely), fed her. What did I get? NOTHING. Not even a decent kiss yet. I've known her for 2-1/2 years. She has this habit of being naked all the time in the house. I had to look at that smoking hot body for 8 months and not allowed to touch. Then she wonders why I threw her out. Might as well just cum to Adultism and look at the hot chicks here. At least they have a reason why I can't touch them. They are half way around the world or some shit.

You are beautiful.