My pics

My self and my gf
Posted in: Hotwife Tags: selfie, male, nude
Comments (48)
Dimi77 once again retaliates on me and hijacks my comment section, due to his own stupidity and shortcomings.

He comments on my profile these things...
"Also this gay man will always fight - always! He always posts fake pics from fat women from the interntet!
Guys - beware - it says world sex on the pics !

"Hey you dude - idiot,
How many times did I tell you to leave me alone?
How many times I told you to stop this fake account identity huh?
You are a man and a gay man and you stole those pics from a different porn web site !!!
Hey guys and girls - beware this is a fake profile !
Funny stuff! What is the your source of your claims from anywhere else on the entire internet, EXCLUDING this previous site that used to be called WSA????????

"Hey you dude - idiot" - Not a dude. Only idiot is yourself who isn't reading/comprehending or understanding that this site used to be called WSA before it switched hands to being called Adultism long ago (same account here, mind you).

"How many times did I tell you to leave me alone?" - And yet you've hijacked my profile AFTER saying that. I'm not going to tolerate your abuse.

"Gay/man?" - There's literally nothing on my profile indicating or hinting that I'm a man, nor gay. If so, logic would tell a common sense person that my profile should be loaded with gay content, gay comments and such.
"Stolen pics"? - Again, genius! WSA is the same exact site as Adultism now is. It's one in the same. WSA (2002-2004); Adultism (2005-the present). Might want to peek at the site's 'archive' pic section to educate yourself on it. See other hundreds of photos from other people with the WSA watermark? Smh!

"I will always fight" - Well yes, when someone repeatedly accuses me of something I'm not, I'm not going to tolerate your verbal abuse and lies. Especially since I and moderation explains over and over and you still don't get it!
"Guys - beware - it says world sex on the pics !" - Uhhh, DUH! No shit it says WSA on the pics, genius! Maybe because my pics were all posted between July and September of 2004, when this site used to be called WSA PRIOR to it changing names to Adultism sometime in 2005. It's amazing that this guy STILL doesn't get it!!
Hard pass on Dimi77. After years of back and forth bickering, he still remains lost and confused in his own bubble of laziness, ignorance and stupidity. Even after many times of explaining to him and even having moderation step in on his ass, he still shows up on my comment sections and accuses me of being a "fake", a "guy" and that my pics are "stolen from the internet" (due to the WorldSexAmateurs watermark on my pics). No matter how much explaining, he can't get it through his thick skull that I have joined this site 20 years ago and that my uploaded pics were published back then when the site used to be called WSA. Since then it has changed names to Adultism.
Because of the watermarks that do not match Adultism, he therefore continues to believe I stole internet pics from elsewhere. What part of it do you NOT understand yet, Dimi77???????? Wake up! Do research! Look at old archive pics from anyone on this very site from 2004 and earlier. You will see WSA watermarks on ALL pics from that era. Dimi77 is nothing but issues and I suggest all of you women to look at the chaos he's left on all of my photo walls (because unlike him, I won't delete comments. Instead, I'll allow his comments to incriminate him.) So hard pass on him at all measures!!
Beautyful couple
Wonderful butt
Perfect pussi
Fucking hot you 2 🤩🔥
Love that cock
I think your ex-gf had much fun with you 😉
Sexy pics too
It is empty now.
Was going to send you a message in reply to your message, but your inbox is full....
Inutile che tu insista, non siamo interessati a uomini singoli, che neppure leggono i profili
Devi smettere di inviarci commenti, ci hai rotto i coglioni
Such a great body she has,perfect and exciting round ass
Siamo qui solo per scambiare foto di donne, da sole e con altri, tramite indirizzo digitale. Abbiamo scritto: " NON siamo interessati a uomini da soli, stalloni, tori e altre specie maschili. !!! Se non hai foto a figura totale di donne da scambiare passa ad altro profilo.INUTILE COMMENTARE
We are here only to exchange photos by mail... no sharing NO friendship
Hot couple 🔥😈
Both of you are very hot!
Nice cock. Fill her.
you both sexy!