Looking for Help getting unlocked (see comments)

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Currently locked in Chastity cage with a virtual session. My wife didn't like the sharp edges on the plastic number tag and insisted I remove them and "fix" it. She found gluing the lock shut to be an acceptable choice.
I'm looking for help to reduce my time so I can once again experience the feeling of being inside her.
Please help by voting to (hopefully reduce) my time.
Posted in: CBT Tags: chastity, cage, glue, shut
Comments (10)
Wir tauschen gerne geile versaute private pics und clips
auch live Treff möglich
love to share real private pics and clips please

also here verkaufsmann17@gmail.com
skype live:ppitman50
I assume you have found all of the dollars I have been leaving in your wife's holes. I have left cash and even a couple checks in the past 3 weeks. She always comes back clean and empty. It is a pleasure using her, she is a good girl
Well, we could not help you for unlocking, but we offer you the possibility to watch, when we repeat her training session again???
We know we should have said this before but time is being added for ever comment.
Crap I forgot sales tax. Need another 75 cents
I like your idea on how to raise money for bolt cutters
I don’t have any bolt cutters. The cost $9.99 at the store. I know money is tight so if you could loan me just $1/day, after 10 days I will have enough. I can pay you back next month.
Just stuff the dollar in one of my wife’s holes after you cum and I will get it.
tell you what, you find small bolt cutters and cut the lock off and while you are in the garage nude doing that I will go fuck your wife and leave her with some presents for you in her holes.
I have tried before but was never able. Just became more frustrated
I’d like to make you cum while still locked up