For SJ fans! The Adultism photos!

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We thought you might like to see how much SJ loves Adultism. She still checks the site occasionaly to see peoples comments. Many Adultism people aren't aware of this super hot, super horny young bbw who loves showing her body to everyone! Her fans will know what we are talking about!

Competition time! Whoever (in our opinion) puts the best comment for her to see/read will win a private selection of her unpublished pics.

If you want to see much more of her - please say so. A hot video maybe?
Posted in: BBW Tags: bbw, adultism, tits, shaved, young, brunette, nipples, pussy
Comments (62)
she is so sexy
SJ quite simply is quite stunning
Awesome pics
Like to breed her
I'm positive i could not last very long in that pussy! So tasty
Wonderfully naturally beautiful woman. it's a pity that the hair is cut and not natural from below
supposed to say SJ. Cell phones.. :(
MJ to me is breathtaking and very sweet! She is the epitome of everything I desire in a woman! An angel's face, hot horny body, and her pussy is the entrance to heaven! What I wouldn't give to have just one night with her... I am a lifetime fan.
Amazing spread
she is so amazing!
I see a post with “SJ” in the title and I rush some place quiet to enjoy each and every image of this sweet sexy beautiful BBW. She brightens my day and hardens my cock with each post. THANK YOU SJ for sharing your naughty side with us. I can’t wait for more!!
Yummy fuck
She is special. Love her body!!!!
sJ is beautiful sexy snd her body is just amaizing!!!
In my world she'd undoubtably be the long time friend I've had a crush on for years, unknowingly driving me crazy with sexual desire with every party or get-together with friends we attend, forcing me to go home alone and masturbate to the thoughts of her sharing her stripped body with another man. So nice, so pretty, so kind.... so unattainable. Yet, I can't wait to see more of her.
LOve to see more of her with the cum running down off her hot nipples......!!!
Absolutely stunning
SJ is stunning, a smile to be blessed with a gorgeous body, awesome tits and nipples to be licked and sucked and not least a pussy I’d love to bury my head in and taste her getting soaked before inserting my rigid cock deep inside and cumming hard before watching it dribble down to her ass
Hott as fuck
SJ is one hot and sexy bbw. She causes my to stroke my dick and drool while I look at her sweet spread pussy
Please show more of SJ… she’s so hot!
SJ is just so gorgeous! I love the post she is in and how confident she has been in showing her sexy curves and sweet pussy to us all! Would so love to meet and play with this beautiful lady! MMMMMMMMMM 👅
WOW! Love those big beautiful tits, gaping wet hole and sweet smile!!!
I would love to eat your pussy
Great to see how she's grown in confidence - looking justifiably proud of her fine, voluptuous curves.
Mmmm. Very sexy fuckable bbw. We are mutually masturbating over your pics right now. Soooo hot.
SJ looks like a perfect police housewife, until her knickers come off. Love her belly