Clips From an Older Self-made Porno

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Put together a few clips from the first (and only) lengthy and elaborate porno we made over two decades ago. Originally made on a VHS recorder and luckily we kept track of it over the years and re-copied it on other mediums and it even had a cheesy plot in keeping with a real adult movie. Wish we could upload the whole thing but not only is it almost an hour long, but there'd also be no way to edit for privacy. So here are just a few highlights.
Posted in: Art Tags: mature, nude, wife, couple, amateur, sex
Comments (3)
Love all these sexy highlights!!
Interesting wouldn’t mind a session with her
I had taes and I am so happy to be gone for the next one is the start of a few more good times for video and she is going to be used by me when I am ready for another gangbang video