Busty British Barmaid

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My sexy busty mature curvaceous horny flirtatious missus has just got a job as a Barmaid behind a local pub in the town we are from. She's previously worked as a Barmaid many years ago and how I managed to notice her in the first place. As like any red bl**ded horny man I couldn't take my eyes off her the first time I spotted her working behind a public house one summers evening. And she was a lot younger then but I couldn't keep my eyes off her sexy busty curvacous fantastic hot body and enjoyed flirting with her every time I was served bye her .And I could tell that she was just my type of woman very flirtatious and from what I could tell new that she had a cracking body drawing plenty of admiring glances from the male customers. And I new straight away im gonna have some of that smoking hot sexy curvy busty horny barmaid and she's gonna be pulling more than on the beer pumps if I have my way .I could tell that she enjoyed flirting with the customers and she was soon aware that I had my eye on her and having her pulling her hand back and forth on my own big pump that I was certain that she was starting to show interest in seeing if I was all talk or able to back my words and advances up in person. Well didn't take long before I was watching her after closing time at her flat lying back and watching her pulling my absolutely fuckin throbbing hard cock back towards her ample cracking pair of big tits slapping my lucky cock inbetween her massive 38DD juicy big pair of tits that she was telling me that she fuckin really luvs feeling a juicy big cock sliding inbetween her juicy big tits. And she said as she was pulling my big pump in her hand I bet this is exactly what uve been imagining and thinking about seeing me doing haven't you .I said fuckin right I have I fuckin new you pulled a fuckin cracking pint and enjoyed the head you left on my pint especially. And she was telling me believe me I pull a fuckin good pint but I especially like giving a proper frothy head and ur about to experience just how fuckin good I give head tonight. Believe me best head any man could ever wish for a absoulutly fuckin cracking woman who luvs giving the best head I've ever experienced.
Posted in: Big Tits Tags: mature, big, tits, cleavage
Comments (6)
Gorgeous massive breasts and terrific nipples. Definitely a 10/10
amazing big breast
Good God, I want to drown in those
I'm sure all the customers notice your busy sexy wife, your a lucky guy, they are just so beautiful and perfect
Ms 38 DD big rack have always been awesome an her ass is beautiful
Lucky bastard. I’d love to blow a load all over them puppies.