Debs had to confess all. She had been truly deviant in the bedroom as you can see from our previous posts. Tell us in great detail what you would have her do in penance. The filthier the comments the better. x
BillyniblickWhat fabulous deviancy, I am not a believer, but I do love the feeling and architecture of churches and cathedrals: but I have to say that is the best church pic I have ever seen. Sundays would never be the same if they looked like that. Dare I ask which church it was?
TantralustGeil.... ! Du gehörst als Novizin der Lust auf den Altar des Herrn und sollst dort bestiegen werden und den Samen der Lust empfangen.
FlaPanhandleConfess. . . how much you luv this. Hope to enjoy many more pegging, bottles, huge cum shots, toys. Let me know. Hope to see you on the next cruise