Another Tribute

Edited: guys guys! just a reminder that these are not pictures of us :) There other amateurs from WSA whom photos I really loved and did a bit of working on.

Some pics are almost perfect. Almost.
But sometimes, you wish little things did not exist. A hair missed while shaving, a tiny skin imperfection, etc...
Occasionnally, I like to do a bit of PS work on pictures I really adore.

Thought I'd share some with you.

I do not pretend to better other people's work. I do this just for fun, as a kind of "what if... ?"

And mostly, I do it as a tribute to the people who share these wonderful pics with the rest of us.
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Comments (4)
I realize that pierced genitals and nipples are quite common on sexually explicit sites. However, they make me cringe and ruin (for me at least) otherwise nice pictures. Nice job of removal.
Nice bald pussy.
sweet lookin girl. ht pics of pussy
hot post, love the fuck pics and your sexy smooth pussy