Black and Blue

Feeling more sensual than hard core today. Thought I'd show you these. I'd love to know what you think about it.
Luv & kisses!
Posted in: Babes Tags:
Comments (19)
Nice body
cool your pic`s
and make more of your pussy ...i will see that...
kisses marcell
nice , like pic 3........................................
Excellent post, 10.
Nice pics 10+
ralli thanks for standing up and saying it. We cant please everybody. But lets be honest, our posts are always clean sharp large pictures of a good looking lady. Some may not like what they see but those pics certainly arent worth below-average rate.

We could easily live without a voting system. us we get our feedback from people who write. Downraters dont. Some of them may be just one guy with 30 accounts downrating others because they were exposed for the frauds they are or maybe just in order to get their own posts into HoF

This post averaged under 4 this morning after just 6 votes. What are the odds?

Abolish HoF and you may just settle the problem. Or if Pierre has some means of monitoring votes, ban guys that systematically vote 1

But in the end its no big deal.

What's bad about it is that its done out of meanness, jealousy, or as a try to keep people out of HoF

Some bozos have no life

Luv and kisses to all the other wonderful people here :)
More great pics of that hot body
hi all you horny people out there...seems as if there is something wrong at adultism...nearly every new posting during the last few days got a lot of bad votings even if there were only just a few comments...well the taste is different but there is no necessary to vote any posting down...thats why we decided to give all postings 10 points...most of it are worth it anyway...guess otherwise a lot of people will leave adultism...sorry if we are boring you again and again with that message
hi fast jedes neue posting bekommt hier in letzter zeit erst mal eine reihe schlechter votings verpasst...wir finden auch nicht alle bilder so wahnsinnig toll aber deswegen würden wir nie ein posting runterziehen...also bekommen ab sofort alle postings 10 punkte von uns...die meisten sind es ja ohnehin wert...sonst verlassen am ende noch mehr leute dieses forum...das eigentlich immer ganz geil war
Fuck yea. Yall take some great pics. Love the sky in the background. This is a thing of beauty.
schöne, originelle Aufnahmen.... 10+
fucking great mmmm
Very good pics and a wonderful heaven :-)
Very classy!!!! 10+
Nice pics, very artistic.
Yes Ma'am, please have a seat!
awseome... & fun!!!
great as always