trickydickyYou are likely right about them pestering him to know when the next free pussy time will be!
mmmfmodelHe probably doesn't need to spread it around much, they probably keep pestering him themselves about when it's going to be
trickydickyThere has to be a way for the word to get out, Katja!
mmmfmodelI don't know. The promoter just invites me, and his friends get together
trickydickyBut are they the same men showing up, or is the word getting out that there's going to be free pussy for the fucking on this day at this time sent around by cell phone texts or calls?
mmmfmodelIt's always the case that during the first hour, the same number of people show up again.
trickydickyGuys are making calls to friend obviously!
mmmfmodelReally? There's no intellectual conversation going on?
trickydickyThe word gets out about free pussy for the fucking...right?
mmmfmodelEvery time there are more and more people
trickydickyYou have many friends who love to attend a gangbang, photo shoot?