Playdate Gallery

I got a text from Mr. D one weekday afternoon. He was in town, but had been ghosted by the couple that he was supposed to meet for lunch. He asked if it would be ok if he stopped by to catch up and I was more than happy to have him over. Getting stood up is getting to be the norm in the swinging arena, and I felt bad for him so I decided to take the opportunity to use his unexpected visit to get caught up on the details in our lives.

We talked about the grandkids, the kids, work....pretty much everything, We always do when we hang out. He told me that he didnt have a lot of time on that day, and I had every intention of keeping things platonic. Then I noticed that he couldnt keep his eyes off of my tits. I am almost never dressed when its just hubby and I. I prefer to wear some kind of Baby Doll Lingerie around the house. I didnt think that he would mind if I didnt change before he came over, and so I stayed the way I was. I caught him glancing at me a second time and the little devil inside my head started thinking about giving him a really good stroking before he left. I knew that he had to leave, but I couldn't let it go. I just wanted to please him and send him home with a smile on his face.

He started to say goodbye, so I sat down in his lap and gave him a kiss. The second I got there I noticed that he was hard as fuck. He was already doing his little thump thump thing that he does so I knew that me sitting on him set him over the top. I asked him to just go ahead and take his pants off. He protested. But not too loudly. Once he was bare, I went back to my seat for some skin on skin contact that I know is going to make him insane. You see, hubby and I had been fucking all morning. I was still pretty wet. I wanted him to feel it slide on his cock as I sat there with him.

He told me again that he had to go. I agreed. After all, we could hang out another night, right? I asked him to just let me suck him some before he left. Something to think about on the drive home. Of course he agreed. As hard as he was I was not going to let him leave like that. I stoked his cock and titty fucked him just the way he likes. I could tell that he was getting close to cumming because he kept asking me to stop. I play along. For a while. But when I started titty fucking him I could definitely tell that something was about to happen. He asks me to stop again, and this time I do. He says that he has to go, even though he looks like he wants to stay, and so I let him stand up to leave.

His cock ended up in my mouth for like three seconds. Just a goodbye kiss...and the next thing you know he is getting behind me. He was SO fucking hard and so ready. I could see this turning in to a quickie. I am not a fan of quickies, but they have their uses. I asked him if he wanted to be a little late, or really late? He asked me what the difference was so i told him that being really late meant that he stayed and fucked me like he had no where to be. Nice and slow.

I guess that was the best option because he sure took his time.
I came with him behind me
I came when I got on top of him
I came 3x when he laid me down on that love seat

This guy had only been here for an hour and he already had 5 stars. Between he and hubby i had something like 9 orgasms that day. I havent had a day like that in a while. I felt a little bad for keeping him, and on his way out I apologized to him for letting things get out of control. He looked at me and said, "Sasha, the minute you put that bare pussy on my cock, i knew that there was no chance that I was ever getting out of here on time. I just didnt want you to think that is what I came over here for."

I thought to myself, "AWWWW." And proceeded to fill him in on all of the nasty ass thoughts that I had while he and I were talking. How I thought about riding him. How I thought about sucking him off. How I thought about letting him get behind me and really fucking me good. We are both so fucking dirty and I love it.

We had the best laugh. We are both sexy as hell when we get together.
Comments (9)
Smokin Hot Damn
Wow.... congratulations... we like what we see... we look for and offer photo sharing by email.
The chemistry shows between you guys
very erotic and beautiful!
Oh my, what a lovely, caring friend you are! I am glad that you both got what you needed 😈
3somefun2013 engaging and exciting. Had first a read and then enjoy your images....wonderfully hot
This is hot
Damn! Always so so sexy! Love the new profile pic as well so hot!
Looks like a good playdate - and sure there will be another one soon.