Voting time for next month, Feb/24.
Please vote for 3 photos, in your order of favourite pictures.
#1 = top vote, 3 pts,
#2 = second place, 2pts,
#3 = third place, 1 pt.
Any voting other than as described above, no scoring (pts) awarded and your choice for next months profile picture will not be counted in totals. Please make your choices valid, so your part of the decision.
Voting will end as of Feb 1/24 at 12:01 a.m.
#2 - 2
#3 # 9
#2 - Pic #7
#3 - Pic #5
#2: 7 - red and snow for Feb and sexy smile
#3: 10 - Such a sexy, powerful pose
Thank you for continuing to share your wonderful content 😊
#2 = 6
#3 =10
#2 bottom left
#3 bottom right
#2 2nd
#3 4th