The sheer soft pink blouse with a shelf bra brought out my nipples and desires for the evening. Once the skirt was removed the smoke black thigh high stay-up nylons were exposed to define my legs, my becoming the dessert plan began to take shape.
OldinyearsonlyMMMMM. If I was the date, I know there would be other men there so envious of me
Simba45NewOhhh, that's so nice! It's such a rush of adrenaline to view a woman such as you coming into view in public, with that kind of sexy outfit, the super fine blouse material allowing those insistent nipples to demand attention and views. My cock hardens immediately and you would notice my piercing gaze watching your sweet breasts bouncing so lightly as you walk about. You might even notice my pants begin to bulge with arousal, even at my age!
MartyCAI would be SO tempted to skip directly to dessert... The nipples are terrific!
Danny83That oh my!! Draws all my attention...until you pull up that skirt and show the dessert plans...getting quite some appetite for desert!!