hotandhorny0008hi honey, have seen your profile and it does
amazed me, how about chatting sometimes on
yahoo or hotmail? would love to share to you
one of my bed time stories...Kisses add me up
its to hear from you soon
woobersI find it instructional that neither of the people who made negative comments have posted anything. If people do not like the mix of content on this site, then they are free to start their own.
Me, I think you have a nice pecker. How about spreading your ass cheeks WIDE next time?
sensualteam1since when is this a typical female site? am not intrested in men myself, but find the small mindidness to shit on men posting dick-pics very low.
sorry but some of the ladies here look like dogs and wouldnt be able to get a man hard, yet they get hot horny remarks and votes... world upside down...
JuxtaposedI think honestjohn said it best .. "Ho Hum ,more typical fag poses from a boring flabby body maybe the deafening silence of interest should tell you something"
ChrisHotCome on, more Votes and Comments Please ;o)
amazed me, how about chatting sometimes on
yahoo or hotmail? would love to share to you
one of my bed time stories...Kisses add me up
its to hear from you soon
Me, I think you have a nice pecker. How about spreading your ass cheeks WIDE next time?
sorry but some of the ladies here look like dogs and wouldnt be able to get a man hard, yet they get hot horny remarks and votes... world upside down...