Jeans, things, or hard cock

Whatever your lady desires.
Posted in: Males Tags: hard, cock, stud, nude
Comments (4)
It's nice to view photos shot with proper lighting being used, I am an older retired white male, my wife is a cancer survivor, we live a sexless life together. I have a two-roll film and one sheet film Camera resting in ponder and best aluminum cases. I was pissed when I could no longer use film, and could not use my Nikon lens on the New Digital cameras.... It's all resting in cases unused..... My 8.5 X 8.1/4 inch in circumference cut no longer works correctly either, It's more like a useless skin tag these days - that takes beating by hand every now and then...Thanks for posting fine Photos with proper back lighting. I use my Smith - Victor lights now when hand carving wood items.......John - Richmond, VA.
Wow fit