Help Me Violate Her 3

I instructed Catherine to get back up on the table, on her hands and knees, and she quickly complied. Grabbing a pool cue and a condom, I asked AS to join me behind MY HOLE. Sliding the condom onto the fat end of the stick, he watched while I pushed it into her pussy. Then, I asked him to wield the end of it so that I could grab one of the cameras. He slowly fucked her with the stick, that stunned look still about the only expression on his face. I urged him to get closer, and to really push it deep inside her. Told him to take pleasure from her because that is what she was there for. He pushed the pool cue into her deeper and harder, while OUR ENTERTAINMENT rocked back against it and moaned. Visually, it was one of the best moments of the night.
I told Catherine to get on her back, and asked the owner of the bar if he’d like to see a beer bottle in her pussy.
To be continued…
Posted in: Watcher Tags: public, voyeur, whore, insertion, pool, cue, cunt
Comments (18)
Why did the snooker balls get sunk in the centre pocket?
i completly agrre to you slavegrrl
that ass is build for be violated....
good girl
lets see the video !
fuck you carly.stupid name,your just an arragent cunt,like slavegirl said,if you dont like it keep your opinion to yourself now go and watch the great escape or somthing
another rule should be: if you don´t want comments, don´t post.
I like 99,8% and I enjoy these posts, I like sex, my mother didn´t spank me, I deleted my pictures (too boring), ... more shouldn´t be said ...
I have to say I am not a huge fan of your posts, but I do like the way you use your slave. I am just not into the sharing aspect of it. Now, this guy carly7 is a total ass, just like all of them that post negative, hurtful and downright hateful comments on my posts. He has nothing to share, but is very quick to criticize those of us who do. I find that so typical and it makes me think that he is probably a kid whose mommy would spank him if she knew when he was doing on the web!
I propose a rule change for this site. If you don't post, you can't comment on other folks posts.
please don´t visit germany, you would find good sex in all forms ...
and some ill people like you and maxmillion, keep on fucking this way, poor idiots
Ah, now that's where the cue went. I never used to see stuff like this on international snooker tournaments. Maybe they should show this, it would up the viewing figures :-) Great pics. I like them, and what a fit, sexy looking woman she is? What was that about a 9" extention? :-)

10 from me
Wow nice game 10+
well said.carlys a nob head from a place called germany.greedy cunts.anyway.your photos are time shove it up more till she cant bend over.then make her suck it clean
What I find disgusting about posters like carly7 is that they can't help but leave nasty, negative public comments. What I find most interesting is that they have no public pictures of their own to share. Are they afraid to, or do they just have nothing worth photographing? Or maybe they don't want people doing the same shit to them, that they do to everyone else... no matter the reason, it is pathetic just as they are.

Glad everyone else seems to enjoy, or keep their nasty trap shut.
play and win ! nice :-)
be more fun to work that pussy with my fingers and hand before mounting her doggy style to fuck her
I visited your homepage ... you need help !
I can hardly (Haha) wait to see her take a beer bottle