Selfie H90 Part 4 December 2024

Partial body selfies taken with a Sony H90 camera in December of 2024... standing lubed butt and balls view- plus my oversize LED light in the background, a frontal standing view from my chin down to above my knees, a frontal side view as I am still kneeling on the floor after some toy play, another side kneeling view on the floor after some toy play, a butt/lubed balls and view from below with one knee on the floor, a frontal- just above my belly button on down with one knee on the floor, a view from below- that includes my face as I stand in my bed room, a frontal/side view as I stand and add an essential oil into a funnel on my massage lotion bottle, a standing frontal as I hold my essential lotion bag, a frontal I look down as I am about to toy play on the floor with legs apart, a side/above view as I begin to toy play on the floor, above view as I toy play on the floor on my back with lube flowing about my balls...
Posted in: Males Tags: male, body, selfie, butt, balls, toy
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