tn7upI’m late to the party, and there is such a long line of wannabe-bathers I was a bit concerned you might run out of hot water by the time it’s my turn to join you in the tub … but then I realized MM doesn’t need a hot water heater, as she creates her own heat! 🥵
With apologies to Bobby Darin…. “a-splishing and a-splashing with MM has me reeling with the feeling, moving and a-grooving, rocking and a-rolling…” pass the soap, please! 🤩
PeterAlmyneSpecfuckingtacular... Good lord, you're so fucking sexy! 😜🔥😈🔥😜
With apologies to Bobby Darin…. “a-splishing and a-splashing with MM has me reeling with the feeling, moving and a-grooving, rocking and a-rolling…” pass the soap, please! 🤩