Hi All,
When we get the chance we borrow some of our friends cars and take them out to the country to do some photos on. Of course we can never tell or show the pics to our friends, but it's a real turn on doing them and then handing the car back all innocently!
Let's see if Dave recognises his car eh? ;-)
Anyone want to loan us their car?
If you know any other free amateur sites where I can post our photos please private message me.
Please vote and leave a comment to let me know if you have a stroke looking at me. :-)
Michelle. xxx
PS: Please take a look at my other posts, especially my very first set where I suck and fuck!
stanotte, sarai tu l' amazzone che cavalcherà i miei sogni...
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Oft ist es ganz wenig mit dem man einen Menschen
glücklich machen kann
Ein Lächeln, ein Blick, eine Geste,
ein Gruß oder ein Eintrag ins Gästebuch
lg Nikita Noemi