Games we like

Some pics are from a couple a years ago and some are from last year - showing the range of what we like. Also put some pics of her alltime living sextoy to the album :).

To all the guys who send me mesages, that they have experience with cuckolds and would like enjoy to fuck my woman while i am watching and clean her up...I have to disappoint you - I am far away from a cucki.

When I present her to other men I enjoy how she get used and to see what a real submassive dirty slut she can be, but I am for sure not the one who is the submassive part.

And by the way: we are not only searching for guys - we also search for woman but they must be more masocistic than my wife.

Dont need no other woman just for a fuck - I got one of the best woman for this I ever met and as an ex musician and manager of quite famouse rockbands I had more dirty girls and woman then millions of other men. For sex, my wife is almost in the top 3 and for all the rest she`s my absolut n1.
Posted in: BDSM Tags: slut, submassive, pain, woman, sperm, bdsm
Comments (11)
hot, very hot. fantastic pussy
Oh what sexy fun times
love all games too
that's a hell of a hot mix!
Sehr heiße Spiele!
highly erotic!!
Hmm...da könnte man in der Tat doch schwach werden und mal vorbeischauen. Die 20 km sind zu überbrücken.
Eure spielchen gefellen mit :)
I'd love to see her in action with the girl in the bath Domfi, got any videos?
Love the weights on her pussy lips, I love pussy lips! Longer the better!
great pics...would love to spank that sweet ass and tits
Awesome pics, thanks for sharing.