More shots of my gorgeous 70 yo Lady

I hope you enjoy these image as much as I enjoyed creating them. Most days we spend say 8-9 am 'in the nicest possible way'. If My Lady has slept well, I know I'm in for a workout. Double figures it is for her! She's also on for it some late afternoons, say 4-5 pm. Thank goodness for the man pill ('rocket fuel' in my parlance). If you're new to Viagra, remember to bite off only as much as you need. You'll save money that way. The economics of fucking! I used to get slight flushing in the face but no longer. Your lady will appreciate your hardness. I also think that rocket fuel delays ejaculation. It may also slightly desensitise your erection but not enough to inhibit sensations.
Posted in: Mature Tags: bum, panties, legs, shoes
Comments (12)
Nice !! I also like the story !
Incredible!!! she lokks like a 30!
She has such a gorgeous body, and her legs look amazing, she must be the sexiest 70 yr old I've ever seen.
seeing her nice butt and legs is enough rocket fuel for me.....she´s gorgeous
u r right. gorgeous legs and butt
Sorry for the double post. My concentration is not always reliable when posting shots such as these. They tend to distract.
Je suis d'accord avec vous, mon ami korydalos. Elle est en effet très belle et très sexy. Nous en étions à un parti hier et elle a eu à employer leurs compétences de ses jours en direction de conjurer le gars qui est devenu trop familier, sans doute tester ses chances de faire partie de sa culotte.

(I hope I got that right!)
C'est très beau et sexy,
Interesting comment, Sagapo. I probably don't need 'rocket fuel' but I describe it as my 'drug of choice'. I happen to like the effects it has on me even outside the realm of direct sex. I have known the blessing/curse of a condition called satyriasis since age 14. At 70 I find that 'rocket fuel' maintains & enhances that condition. It also, of course, ensures that I can perform well on the many occasions I am required to.
Beats me why you need the 'rocket fuel' OG, she's gorgeous and would keep me hard several times a day. Love to see a lot more of her though!!