Fake: Carrie loves to play

Just to prove my point and I wanna make sure we are not called assholes for calling people fakes. Str8 from the web!... Yellow and Softcore wifey
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Comments (6)
this looks like a pic i saw before that was supposed to be Mariha Carrie or however you spell her name, who cares
what the f*** ius going on in here??
My apologies for losing my temper Burgess. We just get really angry since we post our own REAL pics and wish people would be as real.
PS, Burgass, its AMATEUR, AMA-T-E-U-R. Doh.
If u still post pics in future(fake pics as u did this time) please send good ones !!
Burgess, look before you blab: Carrie loves to play is a post ogf today that people are voting on. We are trying to show that it is stolen from the web, so before you talk uses your peanut-brain.OK?