trailmanstrong the muscle toning, love the heels, what man don t!
1hotwife2shareDear Nicknotes,
Yes...I wear short,short skirts 90 % of the time. The other 10 % I wear nothing At all :: )
"The Wife"
NickNotesDo you usually wear short skirts to show your extremely beautiful slender muscular legs? I think men will be ogling your legs and fantasizing about discovering the treasure between your legs
heelsterwhat nice tone in your legs wearing those :)
NickNotesWrap your legs around my head...and then around my waist. Take me to a higher level.
NickNotesWhat beautiful muscular legs. A good indicator that you have a powerful vagina to squeeze and tighten and drive your lovers crazy.
seemeinYES! I love high heels ! and you make them lookBETTER
Yes...I wear short,short skirts 90 % of the time. The other 10 % I wear nothing At all :: )
"The Wife"