Right in my eye

Nice that you visit me again! We are gathered here beneath the shy logo. Hope to keep outside all the hurry of the net and the people who dislike me. Today I wont to show you some
of my passions... - while you discover me...


Love's Philosophy
>The fountains mingle with the river,
>And the rivers with the ocean;
>The winds of heaven mix forever
>With a sweet emotion;
>Nothing in the world is single;
>All things by a law divine
>In another's being mingle--
>Why not I with thine?
>See, the mountains kiss high heaven,
>And the waves clasp one another;
>No sister flower could be forgiven
>If it disdained its brother;
>And the sunlight clasps the earth,
>And the moonbeams kiss the sea;--
>What is all this sweet work worth,
>If thou kiss not me?

>>>Percy Bysshe Shelley
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