Love to have it Jacked !

Hi !,

I am an Italian Gentleman who enjoys manual stimulation.
During my High school days(14 to 17) sucking and fucking was only done by a \"few\", \"bad girls\".

I was lucky to know a few girls who were willing to use masturbation to satisfy thier boy-friends, and it became so common-place, that when \"free love\" started coming in, it included just \"friends\" as well !
I, as all guys, was always horney, and girls found that if they got the sex out of the way, that guys were much more suseptible to doing or giving them what they wanted.

These girls also eventually became so excited by seeing these large gobs of thick hot cum flying thru the air, that it almost became sport to see how inventive they could be in getting one off with thier hands.
During that time I was Jerked in some of the most unusual places you could imagine,...the usual of course,,bedrooms,
living rooms,\"Secret places\". But as they became boring,taking it to more dangerous situations added tremendusly to the thrill !

I\'ve been Jerked-Off in theaters, Baseball/football games,resturants, bowling alleys,some of which are hard to imagine, but are true.
Under the right circumstances some girls would make believe we \"got caught\",and make sure a friend or stranger saw the CumShot !

Since then of course i\'ve learned to enjoy just about every type of sex that a man and woman can have together, a few \"kinky\" as well, but there is always a special thrill for me when getting a \"quickie\"(and most of the time not so quickie) Hand-Job.

I have a collection of over 1800 HJ/CS pics(only the good stuff),
and over 1500 movies as well.

I would appriciate if any female out there of any age, who has had similar experiences on the other side of a HandJob, and would be willing to share her experiences, would get in touch with me.
If you love to Jack cock just for the Cum/Fun of it, I think some mutual stimulation is in order. I would like to get to know you well enough so that I can send to you, the Pics/Movies that will satisfy your needs the best.

We can exchange E-Male stories,pics,movies, and set a time for chat if you like.

On the weekend of my 16th birthday, a girl-friend of mine Jerked-Me-Off 16 times, I was also once Jerked-Off in my Church, and one girl pumped-off a giant load while only a few feet away from her mother!

I learned years later at a class reunion that anytime all the girls got together they referred to me by my nick-name of \"Long-Shot\" !

If you feel that contact with me would add a little \"spice\" to your life, please contact me at:

Don_Pornelone at

at your convience.

Hoping to hear from you,........Don \"LongShot\" Pornelone.
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Comments (1)
Good story. Small penis.