This is for the fool philthyphucker169

Hi WSA all of us at Samuk would like to say thanks to everybody that was so kind as to e-mail or make a comment on WSA in support of samuk and the rest of his friend. He is sorry for not writing back and thanking you all personally, it's just that at the moment he's feeling a little angry with himself for allowing that nutcase philthyphucker169 to get to him. So please don't think that we are rude. Well we are just a little rude but in all the nice ways. He will answer all your e-mail eventually as soon as he can. in the meantime I have been left in the driving seat. How do you think am doing so far. Good or Bad? Come on if you have read this far you can post a simple reply, love you for it. Xx Supersilver (Hi norm xx)
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