Jacque pissing in a urinal

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Jacque and I were at the theater one day and started playing after the movie was over and everyone was gone from the theater. We ended up going into the mens room and she stripped. She said she had to pee so I told her to pee in the urinal......and she did. We ended up going in to one of the stalls and fucking in there.
Posted in: Watersports Tags: watersports, public, ass
Comments (8)
Love that
Nice butt!
wow, very erotic
Mmmm wish I was there! :-)
very sexy and a great ass!
What a waste when my mouth is so open and waiting for her! Great arse, I'd love to spread them and taste all her pussy juices!
If there was no one else there why bother with the stalls? I'd be quite happy to slip a length inside as she was. Just spread those gorgeous cheeks and go for it, I would!! She looks so good, and why didn't she pee in your mouth? So much gorgeous juice wasted there guys!
I wish she was pissing in my mouth instead