Secretly Remove Condom to Give Creampie Surprise

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Here is the latest and greatest way to have sex. Removing a tight condom from your cock and sticking it into an even tighter wet pussy is the best feeling ever! Watch me show you how to secretly remove a condom during sex to fill a wet pussy with an unwanted creampie!
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: creampie, surprise, milf
Comments (13)
Lancaster, sadly your mistaken. I'm just a horny guy that like to fuck hot girls and when the opportunity presents itself, I prefer to going "skin on skin" vs. using a cover. The transition between the two is actually a great feeling. Don't knock it until you try it!
This guy is either one creepy bastard or a total bullshitter. Not great either way.
Marco, actually it wasn't staged at all. Why would I do that? She had absolutely no idea until after she got up and felt my load run down her leg. When they are "hot and bothered", they rarely with a cock my size, they are enjoying it too much! Though in the end she was hardly pleased, trust me! So, this first attempt wasn't a successful pro-creation; however the second one with her was! Thanks for the encouragement, as I enjoy it each of the many times I've performed the technique. The best part is when they don't know. Its really a lot of should try it!
Hahaha. Don't get your panties in a bunch. He surely wasn't stealthing her. She's aware of what's happening. Do you think that she flipped over and was unaware of the missing condom? Heck, it feels different without a condom.

Good title, but we are not buying it.
bblover, the best fantasies are the ones you get the pleasure of living out...try it sometime!
Beautiful hot fuck !! Nice pie !
I hope this is just a b.s. fantasy post. Pulling a rubber off to give an unwanted creampie is pretty low. I know a lot of posts here are fantasy but unwanted or for*ed acts make me sick.
Nothing like a creamed pussy!
Gotta love a tasty cream pie
Wow. Loved it. Big boner. Only thing missing was you eating her cream pie and her orgasming unbelievably...
We loved it...
her pussy needs cream pies every day
Going from a tight condom to bare is the best feeling in the world! The technique works perfectly, especially once she's used to feeling the condom on for a while. Then remove it right before sticking it in "doggy" style. Good luck and have fun!