Stocking stuffer? More of a pussy stuffer

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Just a little something I put in her stocking... she put it somewhere much better. Hey everyone should get a candy cane for Christmas
Posted in: Weird insertations Tags: pussy, milf, toys
Comments (7)
so this!
mmm can i have that sweet juicy topping on my candy cane
one very sweet pussy I wish to lick
love to eat it out her pussy yummy mm
Bet they both tasted a little more sweeter than usual, I'd eat both of 'em!
Now I have a craving for SUCKERS, But only the one that was in YOUR SEXY SEXY HOT GORGEOUS BOX. AWESOME AWESOMELY shot video. Bet that PUSSY is as SWEETY as CANDY!!! I know my TONGUE may get a little lower and TONGUE YOUR BUTT to but we can work it out . YOUR GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME
THANK YOU for posting this video
love to eat her pussy juice candy cane