Getting ready for a shopping trip

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Got a added ball to keep inside before heading to the shopping mall.
Walking around like this always makes me dripping wet, and since I'm more "open" when horny my little cunt is having troubles keeping it inside
Posted in: BBW Tags: shopping, ball, pussy
Comments (5)
Jisses kvinna... den fittan ser helt otrolig fin ut...
Lovefistu I prefer no panties, it's better to let it drop than to walk with soaking wet panties for hours.
But getting fucked with the ball inside is awesome <3
Lovefistu I prefer no panties, it's better to let it drop than to walk with soaking wet panties for hours.
But getting fucked with the ball inside is awesome <3
Lovefistu I prefer no panties, it's better to let it drop than to walk with soaking wet panties for hours.
But getting fucked with the ball inside is awesome <3
Wearing a látex panty You can keep It inside and relax. Fucking You after such a shopping trio must be delicious. And maybe the ball remains inside and i play football with my cock