Deep Drilling---Sweet Melissa---pt 1

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Pt--1 Blow job par excellance with some missionary riding.
Pt 2-4 =Fucking in all kinds of ways .....

So I was 16 yrs her senior and met her randomly, which was kinda her thing. She was only 24yo and pretty vanilla when I met her but that changed quickly. She never let me fuck her ass, but I taught her a couple things. There's some fairly humorous stuff in this in that regard. FWIW, We did a lot of videos and this might have been the first one that came out pretty good---maybe 5 outta 10 came out really good. This was back in the Oughts ( is that how you say it)?

Her pussy was so good, so tight and slippery...I really should have married her. She was so sexy. Her sigh is the best ever.Hope you enjoy and watch all 4 parts
Posted in: BlowJob & Cumshots Tags: bj, oral, riding, sex
Comments (3)
Like to have her bounce on my face and then my cock.
I love her oral skills and how she rides a cock