Coworker spanking

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Yikes!! Stinking!
Posted in: Fetish Tags: nude, spanking, ass
Comments (3)
Every single one of your friends are awesome. Do you ever get the urge to dish instead of valiantly receiving? Not that I don't enjoy watching every solitary stroke. If you and or any of your playmates find yourselves near Portland, OR. By all means alert me via adultism. Not only could we make some indoor memories but I will show you some beautiful natural attractions. And offer gracious hospitality.
Whoa! I can see you're hard core! Well, more to come soon...
You averaged 1 stroke every second...that's about 180 strokes in this video...AWESOME!!!
but she should have worked your thighs and caught your balls a couple of that would have made you flinch and cry out!