fishinnMy wife is not as beautful as yours but every tme she sucks my cock she eats every drop. I love her dearly. On the other hand my EXWIFE only sucked my cock twice in the two years we were married and NEVER swallowed. I love the woman I have now.
jrtusker69OMG I wish my wife would be that eager and skilled as she is. Maybe you two could come over and teach her hot to do it properly? Thank you for sharing.
kalwayneIt’s amazing how beautiful you both are, her seductive talents eyes and erotic mouth is priceless. It’s enjoyable to watch someone else pamper their man with their SEXXXY mouth. Not only making you orgasm but enjoying the delicious gift of cum. Not many women desire this special treat. I’m part of that club and it drives him crazy! You both drive us crazy... we love it!