Toothbrush long wank

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Hear me moan all the time with a mix of very big pain-pleasure. A extrange sensation, it feels like you are cumming all the time. you have to put up with the tickling sensation you know?
Till I cum at the end. A wonderfull t*rture.
Im trainnig for more long wank with this.
Posted in: CBT Tags: wank, toothbrush, cbt, cum
Comments (7)
How creative and great this is!
I tried that, it's an awesome feeling!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, that was hot!!!!!!!!! I had to pull me out and stroke as I listened to your moans of pleasure!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for posting this super hot self-pleasure video here
Amazing as I do love watching Cum pour from a Cock's Slit, and that was very erotic and stimulating to watch. Might have to give it a try myself
Love doing that. Loved how much cum you shot
Very how your cum just pours out ;)
nice load