When I was fucked by a woman

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I was wondering what it would be like if a woman fucked me? I tried, and I didn’t regret it. For the first time and unfortunately for the last time, in early 2O15, my ass was thoroughly worked on by an enterprising girl. I thought she would start with some little thin vibrator, but no... At first she started licking my hole. It was a crazy delicious feeling! After a few minutes, she pulled out a vibrator. Not some small, thin piece, but a large, light-headed dildo. He licked it, then smeared it with a lubricant..., and slowly pushed it into my ass. He rotated it for a while, moved comfortably in and out, eventually no longer refining, pushing it to me completely, and she fucked my ass for about 10-15 minutes. Well, I have to leave, it was a bit diligent at first, but when I relaxed and everything became pretty spacious, I already really enjoyed it! Finally, she sucked until I enjoyed to her face and mouth. I suggest you try it too!
Posted in: Pegging Tags: fuck, vibrator, girl, tits, cock, lick
Comments (7)
I would love to fuck you
mmmhhh so hot
My ass cunt can't wait to get a great fuck from you - I'm ready and open
You took that very well
Yes... I know...
How about some lights