She bought such a sexy pair of pants - video 2

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My wife bought a kind of string and short in one. So sexy and she decided to show it to me.
Of course I took my phone to make some pictures and videos.
And now I'm sharing them with you.
In this video she is admiring herself in the mirror.
And you can see me reflected in the glas, filming.
She's a mature, 62 old milf...

What would you do when she's showing herself like this in front of you?
Posted in: Hotwife Tags: mature, milf, bigboobies
Comments (9)
love to see them come off her
What would I do?
I would get behind her and take off my shirt; then, I would ease her own shirt off ( and are you watching all this?); having done that I would stand very close to her, still behind her, and bring my arms and hands round to her front so that I can pull her back against my bare chest - flesh against flesh. Did I mention that, in reaching round to her front (so that I can pull her against me, remember!), I would have to (no choice, no option) to help myself to a full cupping handful, both hands, of her lovely, loose, soft tits, to cup them, feel them, fondle them, weigh them, balance them, and feel her nipples in the palm of my hand as I do all of this. (Are you still watching?)
I would mention to her that, in the video, she pushed her thumbs down inside the waistband of her knickers and then hitched them up and around her. Silly lass! She isn't supposed to hitch her knickers up, she is supposed to push them down - all the way down to the floor and 'walk' out of them.
very nice body
I'd have to pull my cock out and stroke it for her
sharp now let's see her out and about in them
I'd ask her to bend over an shake her arse then ease them off
Adore her and her panties
Got my attention! Sexy