Having a little fun

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Having a little fun at home with husband in the afternoon after a few wines
Comments (16)
Mmm, naughty Shirl! I love it!
Be nice to be the neighbour opposite and see you on your deck...
What an accomodating woman you are , tied hands to the bed and laying back enjoying the experience
Great vid.
Pretty, hot woman
So much fun watching! Thanks
Still looking good Shirl
Love that shaved pussy
Thank you for sharing xx
Slimjohn. I don’t know about me being an enigma, there is nothing mysterious about me at all.
I AM happy with just my husband, there are very few other men that I have fucked over the years. I agree that I am not interested in seeing photos of cocks, and as I have said I have not fucked many other cocks.
Of course I go out bra less and commando to attract attention, that is what it is all about with me.
Just because I like sucking cocks does not mean that I am happy to take it up the ass, there is a place for everything and my ass is not the place for any cock.
So what do you know? I would say that you know nothing about me.
In the meantime please enjoy my photos and videos.
Very hot video, love sexy older men and women, a real turn on for me. Wow, then shaving her, just takes it to another level
Love the start and substance of this video - Shirl fully thigh-spread near-enough stark naked bound and defenceless, but she so patently very much enjoying being so exposed and unable to resist or defend herself. Absolutely love the naturally hairy cunt and watching is being done to it (hence the reference to the "start" of the vid - shaved is fine, but naturally hairy is far more "real" of what an exposed woman and her cunt looks like.
Like also the part where Shirl unable to resist or prevent her loose tits and nipples being exposed.
This Shirley is quite the enigma. She says she is satisfied with her husband aside from the other men she is currently fucking.
She says that she doesn't want to see other cocks just fuck other cocks.
I'm sure that going out braless in see through tops and going commando to ease showing her cunt isn't intended to attract male horndogs even though it does and always has.
See what I mean? Besides fucking, she sucks so that must mean she takes it up the ass, too, so what do I know?
Mmmmm, nice n smooth ready for a good licking!
Hot fucking lady!