My wife is back - the fuck

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Here it is the second video, with sound where my wife and I fuck. Enjoy it!

Questo è il seguito del video e qui c'è anche il suono e potete godervi come gode la mia signora!
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: sex, wife, sound
Comments (4)
@sagapo: write in english. We can understand ir very well and we are glad you agree with us that this video is sensual.
Ragazzi mi spiace che NON era UN CAZZO! Siete fantastici ragazzi fare l'amore con gli altri e ne è emerso ed è stato molto bello da guardare. Ella si alzò e lo baciò lei( ? ), e mentre lei lentamente penetrata ed era amare l'opera, in quanto vi è stato, ed è stato superlativo di guardare sia!
Concordato la qualità era scarso, sarebbe stato molto più bello in HD, ma splendido comunque! Ci è piaciuto moltissimo!
I do hope that translates!
Sorry guys that was NOT A FUCK! You guys were making love with each other and it showed and it was beautiful to watch. She rose up and kissed you(?), and held you while you slowly penetrated her and she was loving it as much as you were, and it was superb to watch you both!
Agreed the quality was crap, it would have been so much nicer in HD perhaps but gorgeous anyway! Just loved it!