Naughty Nurse pt 1 of 3

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The nurse comes to take his temperature. But she has a different way of doing that which in part one leads to licking and a dildo. A lot of set up in this part to be honest...
Posted in: Costume & Uniforms Tags: nurse, uniform, lick, dildo
Comments (7)
I wish to have your nurse as a patient. Maybe she can additionally examine my latte for temperature with her tongue😉.
Very sexy caring
That’s what I call a total health care package!
Great Video
Oh I so wish I had her as a playmate, what a star she is, takes as much as you give her, I do so like how her boob’s are presented in this video I couldn’t keep my hands and mouth off of them if she was mine for the night….
awesome...looking forward to next 2 parts.
Always good to see some rimming, especially by a woman who knows how to get her tongue fully inside a man's anus. Excellent use of holes all round! Does she ever peg you?