Finally, Squirting Allot with YukaYum just Days before Operation

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So it's 5 days before my Laparotomy surgery, and I've made time to meet Mike (user YukaYum). He made me quirt twice before the recording started. See the sheets? It was special. I cannot do this with Akiy, my official boyfriend. Mike is different, and he always makes me squirt uncontrollably.

The doctor told me I can have sex again in 6 months. So, expect some new video of me at the end of February 2023, but without the inner part of my vagina. After the operation, I'll change my life and focus on the following:

1. Eat more raw food
2. Stop all prescription medication
3. Believe more in myself

Maybe Mike is going to pump my best girlfriend again, as seen in the last 2 posts. I don't know yet, but if I like their footage, I'll post on here.

Please jerk off to my swollen wet Manko and wish me well ❤️
Posted in: Asian Tags: asian, closeup, squirting, cuckold
Comments (3)
Wanna taste such hot outcome, delicious 😍😘😛
Hope you are back in good health and back on Adultism soon. It's late January now!
Can I make you flood the bed? I promise to clean up. And yes I do swallow