Lost a DARE bet at a recent party

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So I had to suck another husband's cock who has always wanted me. The rules were I got to go into a private room and suck the dude's dick but he earned the privilege of not only getting his dick sucked but he was allowed to film it and then show it on the big screen to show it to any and all party goers who wanted to view. MOST, except for the guy's wife I noticed, tuned in to watch the replay. It seemed like most were much more impressed with my performance than his as he was getting teased about the comments he kept making to me during the video which were kind of fucked up considering his dick was limp for much of the blowjob but he kept telling me such things as "duck my dick" or "make me cum". I did nanage to achieve both but it isn't easy to make a soft dick cum!!
Comments (49)
/…seems you both won that bet anyway !!
Lordy, sucking that tiny soft dick for 7+ minutes and you made him CUM!!!! Academy Award for you.
you're hot
love a puss I can suck into my mouth over my tongue as my boi cunt is fucked
She is the winner for keeping her part of the bet. He is a loser if he denigrates her. She can suck my cock and eat my cum anytime and I would NEVER say bad things about her. I love a woman who will suck and swallow.
I don’t know how he could have been so soft with an expert sucking it like yourself! I sure wish it was mine you were sucking!!
Are you sure YOU lost? Looks like you enjoyed it the most!
That is amazing! What a view!
He sure made you work you it, I was hard in 30 seconds and my cock is 74 years old. great video Miss Lang...
Fulfilling a dare like a good little slut that you are. Old school sluts cum first.
If would have been me, I would have reciprocated and would have given you a good yuni massage with a good process of eaten your pussy.
He aint winning an Oscar with that one...good job at the effort, bet you were disappointed.
Probably the wife of the man was angry that you have brought him to stand and cum.

Überigens as you suck a cock I would entrust you with mine so that you suck him empty
Amazing job but barely a mouthful. LOL. Now everyone knows he's a limp dick
Great job MissLang ;) not much for you to handle I see. Very nice.
What a awesome view from youre pretty face while you di it
Wow!! He is so lucky
Great blowjob!!
Ur good
Maybe some of the other guys will have you suck them off!
Superb cock sucking
Great job overall. There would have been no problem with my dick getting hard. I love great blowjobs.
Not much to work with there, which makes your skills all the more impressive.
Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful and talented!
Very hot lucky guy
At least you didn’t have to suck a big dick
You suck dick well
Lucky cock. Hope you get to fuck him. Mmmmm
it seems to be the same "little dick" as on other media. You certainly have a divine body of a mature lady, but nevertheless...