She is Old

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not the best one i have had but reliable, no matter when i call her she is ready to suck. she can deep throat some time but mostly just deep mouth fucking in the car. I like to drive around town and have diffrent whores watch her and ram her head down , a lot of them really like to do that!! more next time.
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: mature, mouth, fuck, car
Comments (9)
Now why does a wonderful load of cum in a mouth rate only a 7.1 at 15 votes? I just love watching the fresh semen drool out of her mouth and down his cock. Hope to see more.
one things for sure, she gets the job done
mmmmm remind me of hicking a ride in europe and servicing the drivers cock
cool stuff
More of this! Hot stuff man!
Yeah buddy...good cocksucker!
sehr geil undlecker geblasen und schön alles in den mund gespritzt, so liebe ich es auch 10
Good cock sucker, where can I find her I need to bust a big load in her mouth too.
she looks good at her job nice shot