The Incredible Saturdays of 2019 PART 1
Wife had a small business in the year 2019. This gentleman took care of the storage and had a small office there also. He was from Costa Rica and did not speak much English. Mostly quiet but turned out to be a very romantic man. Wife and him developed very good understanding and met together most Saturdays. The business lasted only 9 months. He stayed 10 months. There were 44 Saturdays in those 10 months. . They met 29 Saturdays in total. He went back to his home country. We communicate occasionally with him.
It was Saturday December 7, 2019, his last Saturday with her. He took some pictures of her for himself. Wife and him spent about 5 hours together that Saturday. He left the next day.
Part 2 of this Saturday will be posted here soon.