Licking and smelling my feet for my husband

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My husband Patrick recorded this video of me. It was morning and after we had breakfast with my husband I went to wash the dishes. And then my husband called me to his office and I saw that he had the camera in his hand and asked me to smell my socks and feet and lick my feet. I asked him to be with me in the video, but he doesn't like his image to be in sexy videos. After he recorded a video of me, he took me to the bed and had sex together. We did and we slept in each other's arms and it was noon when we woke up
Posted in: Gay Tags: socks, feet, ass, body
Comments (9)
Sexy toes, cock and face.
Great video
You're so sweet
smooth and naughty
I]ve seen your tight poophole , I bet he fucks you pretty regulaly .Can you send me a pic of your honey fucking you and his creamy cum oozing from your shithole. I am your biggest fan you know.
Very sexy cock and asshole
I’d like to have sex with you too
Extremely sexy!!