Fourth of July making in the Evening

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Wife made romantic moves on the 4th of July. The man she met on the day was her social acquaintance only but something very romantic happened. It was not planned but it happened. That day, she was in her very special mood which meant the man had a chance. And the chance it was. She did roll with him. First, they did at 10 AM and were done by 11:15 AM. At 12:30 PM was Barbeque time. It was done by 2:15 PM. By 3 PM, they did I again. Wife was hopping on the chair enjoying love with the guy. Sitting in his lap moving her hips facing him on the chair is her favorite. This way, she takes care of herself.
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: bull, wife, sex, pussy
Comments (11)
yea ride it, drain it fuck that whore hole she hot
Such a sexy hot wife ❤️
I'd certainly enjoy a chair sitting "adult entertainment" too! I'd have to finger her ass as she moved around on top of me though! I hope she likes having her anus stimulated as well!
Excellent action room for one more
The timing is wrong. This was after 3 pm the same day. The time 10:51 am is incorrect.
You use that fabulous body so well honey!!
hang on buck a tour
Wow! Why can't I ever have this happen to me?
She is such a sexy beauty, and her nice moves on him, i would like that too, so very hot
Would love her riding my cock