Ass fingering & butt plug

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My 1st attempt to use this new anal butt plug vibrator, wasn't too successful but I improvised!
Posted in: Males Tags: analplug, vibrator, ass
Comments (4)
I have a fantasy of talking to the husband of a very shy prudish conservative wife , that he secretly has pics/vids of..and he steals me a pair of her well used panties for me to sniff...we meet up...I wip out my very precummy cock, tasting my own juices-yum-and he proceeds to show me the pics/vids...and slowly works his hand to my cock, stroking, I look at her bj skills..then he licks my precum, then sucks the head, the so nice...and doesn't forget the balls or anus...tongue fucks my ass whie he milks my cock...then before I blow my load thrust my uncut throbbing cock deep in his throat, pumping so much cum juice, my nuts are drained!! BUT-I love the intensity so I continue to fuck his mouth, roughly..until I feel another load cumming..but this time I bend him over easing, then pounding until I EXPLODE deep!! Nice, now clean my ass.....thanks..cya round
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